Our Vission

Fostering a resilient, empowered, and dynamic civil society propelled by a collective dedication to transformative change and sustainable peace. Guided by human rights, freedom, and dignity principles, we aim to empower communities to lead in shaping a prosperous future where these values serve as the cornerstone of a harmonious society.

Our Mission

DAR is committed to addressing the needs of individuals impacted by natural catastrophes and violent crises. Our mission is to enhance the overall quality of people’s lives and empower all members of civil society to actively contribute to developing sustainable, healthy, and productive communities.

Projects Locations












Our Objectives

Protecting Civilians from the effects of war and provide them with the necessary assistance

Raising awareness and supplying with Knowledge that serves the local communities

Empowering and Supporting Women​

Supporting and Empowering the Young People

We are a team of volunteers in Syria and Iraq, working to protect civilians from the effects of war and provide them with the necessary support while educating local communities, empowering women, protecting children and supporting community initiatives to reintegrate them, while promoting awareness and providing local communities with the necessary knowledge



Organization Causes

Protect and enhance poverty.

Our mission is to meet the needs of those affected by armed conflict

Relief Home for those affected by war and other situations of violence aims to improve people’s quality of life and support all members of civil society to build sustainable, healthy, and productive societies.

Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

Our Donors